What’s your morning routine? Teachers and students will love this morning prayer for school! It only takes a few seconds to pray in the car on the way to school. Homeschool families can easily add this habit to their morning routine. Free printables included!
What is a morning prayer for school?
Think of a “morning prayer for school” as an 8am prayer. It is the first thing that teachers and students do at the start of the school day. Before they open a math book or right after the school bell is rung, a morning prayer is said together. It can be short and sweet.
Why should you start the school day with a prayer?
A morning prayer is the perfect way to begin the day because you are starting the day by talking to God. A lot of families admit that they forget or that they don’t feel like they have the time. When you say a morning prayer for school, you are thanking God for the gift of education. You are thanking God for learning.
Asking God for patience and humility
What can you pray for? When I say a morning prayer for school, I pray for patience and humility. As a teacher, I am also a student! I will always be a student of life. I am learning every day to become a better teacher. It is helpful to ask God to be patient with yourself while you are growing and to be patient with your students. It can be easy to forget how difficult a new concept can be and to become frustrated when a student does not understand right away.
Praying to be free from distraction
It’s really easy to get distracted! Even adults find it hard to pay attention, especially when it comes to a topic that does not interest you. It seems as though more students today are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. It’s good to ask God to help you and your children focus. Ask God to instill peace in those around them as well so that they are not a distraction to you and your children. God can shake those sillies out and calm those fidgets!
For the love of learning
I always pray that my children will always love learning. I imagine them at 80 years old, still looking up tutorials and beginning a new hobby as a New Year’s resolution. I remember seeing so many elderly patrons at the library who would still check out a new book every Monday because they always loved to read. It was inspiring to see them continue to grow their brains!
For a safe learning environment
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that our children’s schools will always be safe. We know that news reports in recent years have shown that. I always pray for all schools and their safety. I pray that invaders stay out. I also think about accidents at school, like getting hit in the head or using scissors. Many children also ride the school bus to and from school, facing the unpredictability of other drivers. I pray that all children arrive at school as well as come home safely to their families every single day.
Don’t waste today
It can be easy to waste time. Everyone daydreams but sometimes we are not as productive as we can be. I know that it helps me to write a to-do list and stick to it. Ask God for the motivation to make the most of your day. I like to pray to God that I will not worry over things that don’t matter, like my child memorizing a math concept that he will likely never use in real life.
Who else needs prayers?
Pray a morning prayer for teacher’s aides, school bus drivers, principals, and cafeteria workers! Thank God for the janitors who keep schools clean. Pray for the noon duty aides who make it possible for teachers to take a lunch break. Pray for the parent volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to making the school a better place.
Children benefit greatly from this routine
As I mentioned in my other article, “Opening Prayer for Class,” (read it and download the PDFs if you haven’t already!), children benefit from this simple routine. Praying in the morning sets the tone for the day. Children start the day on a positive note with adults they love. It teaches them to be thankful first thing in the morning. Praying in the morning teaches children that education is a blessing and a gift and should not be taken for granted.
Short Morning Prayer for School
This prayer is near and dear to my heart! I have fond memories of saying this prayer as a child in Catholic elementary school with my reading teacher, Mrs. Collaco. We would “recite” this prayer as a class in sing-song manner. It was as if we said a poem together in unison. This prayer is perfect for any age, but especially endearing for young children. It gets straight to the point in two sentences.
Thank you, dear Jesus, for today’s learning.
Help me, dear God, not to waste today’s precious hours.
Download your free printable here: Short Morning Prayer for School – PRINTABLE PDF – Life with the Saints
Morning Prayer to St. Thomas Aquinas
You might have heard of St. Thomas Aquinas. He was known as a scholarly saint. This prayer is intended for older students from middle school up to the University level. It calls on St. Thomas Aquinas to be a mentor and friend at school. This is a great printable for your classical school!
Download your free printable here: Morning Prayer for School – PRINTABLE PDF – Life with the Saints
As always, thank you for praying with me! I hope these downloads and that this little bit of motivation was helpful in your day! If you would like me to pray for a special teacher or student in your life, leave a comment! I would be happy to add your special intentions to my day.