Looking for peace with your financial situation? Stressed over money? Say a prayer for financial breakthrough! God works miracles every single day. Trust in Him and His plan. It is easy to feel discouraged, but keep reading and find out how you can pray for more success and feel inspired to never give up hope. Free printable PDFs included!
Is it wrong to pray for money?
It might seem strange to pray for a financial breakthrough. I often think I should pray for humility or for good health. But I try to have honest dialogues with God. He knows the inner workings of my heart. He understands where I struggle. And quite honestly, I have had several seasons when money issues were my cross to bear.
And so, I firmly believe that it is okay to pray for money because God knows what you want to do with that money. If you are praying with ill intentions, God can see that. If you are praying for money because you want to help your family and be able to donate to your Church, I believe it is different.
Why say a prayer for financial breakthrough?
God makes miracles happen! Doors can open to you in ways that you wouldn’t expect. You may think that you will always be in the same job or have the same financial situation. It can feel discouraging when you think that you have reached a ceiling in your career. But there have been so many circumstances in the Bible when people laughed at God’s plans. And yet He SHOWED UP.
Thanking God for your current blessings
A prayer for financial breakthrough allows you to reflect on your current blessings. You should always start a prayer praising and thanking God. This automatically forces you to stop and remember that if this prayer is not “answered” as you hoped, another prayer is being answered in its place. I challenge you to write a list of 100 things you are thankful for. I know 100 can sound like a lot, so start with 10. You may surprise yourself how easily the ideas snowball and before you know it, you have exceeded 100 blessings. I believe that when God sees your sincerely grateful heart, He wants to bless you even more.
The ability to give more
When you say a prayer for financial breakthrough, you are asking for CHANGE. You are asking God to bless you so that you can make your life situation better. In turn, you can make the lives of others better. When you are blessed with more abundance, you have the ability to give more. Whether or not you become more generous is another story. But I have no guilt asking God for abundance because I strive to be charitable at any income level. Even if you only have a few pennies, you can still bake a loaf of bread for someone.
Praying for Financial Peace
Financial stress can lead to anger, anxiety, and depression. It is okay to say a prayer for financial breakthrough because you want more peace in your life. You may want to fight certain vices, like losing your temper or feeling hopeless. Often, people struggling with certain addictions attribute their habits to financial stress. If even the slightest financial relief will help you to have hope, prayer and honest conversations with the Lord are always good.
A Prayer for Financial Breakthrough May Not Lead To a Lottery Winning
Am I saying that a prayer for financial breakthrough means that you will win the lottery? Does it mean that a long lost great-aunt will leave you a multi-billion dollar inheritance? Not at all! In fact, it may come in ways that you least expect. Maybe it means 1 higher credit score point that barely bumps you to the lower interest rate bracket when buying a new home, saving you thousands. You may find four dollars in an old jacket, enough to put a gallon of gasoline in your car before a life-changing job interview. Your future booming textile business can start from old thrift store fabrics and borrowed needle and thread. Or perhaps it was one more declined card transaction when buying groceries that led you to say, “I’ve had enough,” inspiring you to write a budget. A financial breakthrough could seem very small and insignifcant. But looking back, it changed your whole situation.
Prayer for Financial Breakthrough
Good and generous God,
You are most powerful, most loving, most giving. We thank you for every blessing that you have bestowed upon us, great and small. I come to you with a humble heart, asking that you make it possible for me to achieve the financial success that I need to do Your will and serve You. I pray that I may have the wisdom to make good, responsible choices with money. I pray for abundance and prosperity so that I may continue to generously serve my loved ones, my community, the poor, and all those in need. I pray that as you bless me with more goodness, You continue to help me to keep my focus on You and the true riches in Heaven.
I ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
St. Matthew, pray for us.
Download your free printable PDF here: Prayer for Financial Breakthrough – PRINTABLE PDF – Life with the Saints
Need More Inspiration?
My husband and I are HUGE Dave Ramsey fans, so I highly suggest reading a few articles and checking out some courses, books, and videos.
I also really enjoy what this mama says on her channel about faith and money.
Does your husband need prayers when it comes to finances? Check out this prayer for your husband as well as this one. Or perhaps you have a friend who is hoping to grow in prosperity for his or her upcoming birthday! Say this birthday prayer for your friend.
Let me know how I can pray for you today! You are not alone in this journey. I pray for for peace in your life in every situation.
Thank you for mentioning that it’s not bad to pray for money. So many people feel ashamed of asking for “more” but, as you said, I believe that if one does it with the best intentions then it’s not a bad thing! 🙂
I appreciate the affirmation, Giada! Praying for your prosperity this year. 😊