What is the first thing you think about when you open your eyes in the morning? Do you hit SNOOZE on your alarm ten times? Perhaps you grumble on your way to the bathroom, dreading the work day to come. Or maybe you abruptly woke up to a hyper toddler bouncing all over you. I know that I am guilty of all of these things. But I felt determined to change that. I wanted the trajectory of my day to be transformative. So I wrote a morning prayer for family, hoping to inspire you (and me) to devote a few seconds in the morning, praying for the people we love the most.
How a Morning Prayer for Family is a GAME CHANGER
Often times, we are in a rush out the door. We are off to work or school or some other commitment. I am often surprised when I hear how few people say a morning prayer at all. But then the day goes by and worry strikes. We start to worry about our children’s safety or our husband’s health. And I’ve been there: I wished I had prayed for them first thing in the morning. So how can this be a game changer? When it becomes a daily habit, we continue to call on God and His angels to bring protection and guidance. And that is incredibly pleasing to God. These prayers often save us, even when we didn’t realize it or didn’t see trouble coming.
How to Change Your Attitude When You’re Grumpy at Your Family
I’ll be honest: I don’t always like my family. I love my family, but I’m human. Naturally, there’s conflict, even with my two-year-old. So how can I change the posture of my heart when I’m grumpy? That’s just it: you have to change. Your family may stay the same for the rest of your life. But you have to DECIDE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING that you are going to show compassionate, Christ-like love to your family, especially when it feels excruciatingly difficult. There’s no better way to say this: you just have to do it. I could tell you to write a gratitude list about each family member, and that may help. But it can be as simple as asking God to help soften your heart to them. No magic tricks or ten-step formulas required.
Why You Should Say a Morning Prayer for Family
This is nothing new to Christians: praying for people you love is always good. There’s a reason that it is socially accepted, even in secular situations, when someone says, “I will pray for you.” We might not see the miraculous effects of prayer every time, but they’re there. So saying a morning prayer for your family means that before you do anything, you are thanking God for the blessing of your family and you are asking for help. That love and humility will provide countless graces to your family for generations to come. You may not realize it, but you are praying for all challenges that your family faces, even the unknown pains of your great-great-great grandchildren regarding things that may not even be invented yet (think things like social media).
How Does a Morning Prayer for Family Help ME?
Put simply, a morning prayer for your family helps to set your day on the right track. I feel a sense of abundant joy when I think about my family in the quiet hours of the morning. It’s peaceful, and it brings me tranquility to pray for them. I also feel accomplished already when I pray for them! I feel like I can already cross something impactful off my to-do list. In fact, I encourage you to try it! Write “pray for family” on your to-do list and cross it off once you’re done. I bet you will feel great!
Ways to Make This Prayer a HABIT
Here are some of the best recommendations I can make to ensure that your morning prayers for your family become a daily habit:
1. Set an alarm on your phone. I create an alarm that says “morning prayer for family.” This reminds me to say all of the prayers I want to say before I do too much in the morning.
2. Set a daily calendar “meeting.” Similar to setting an alarm, my calendar reminds me as a notification. I also write it in my daily planner so that I can look at it often.
3. Invite your family to pray with you. When it becomes a prayer with others, you have that added accountability.
4. Print out the free printable and put it on your mirror in the bathroom, next to your coffee maker, or on your nightstand! This printable fits in an 8.5″x11″ certificate frame that you can get inexpensively at the dollar store so that you can keep it handy and won’t forget to use it!
This Morning Prayer for Family is for ALL FAMILY!
It probably goes without saying that this prayer is not limited to your immediate family (such as your husband or wife or your children). You can pray for your deceased grandmother. You can pray for the family across the street. This prayer can be said for all families around the world. I encourage you to make it your own and add intentions!
Morning Prayer for Family
O Jesus,
By Your Cross and Resurrection, You have redeemed the world! Bring the light of your Word to our world through the love of families. We humbly pray this morning that you bless us and all families. Protect us from the snares of the devil. We pray that our love and faith may diminish his power every day. Give us the strength to walk in Faith, abandoning all to love and serve you always. May we be more and more like the Holy Family in thought, word, and deed. Bless each member of our family with good health, abundant graces, and hope in eternal joy with You in Your Kingdom.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be…
I Will Continue to Pray For Your Family!
Do you have a special intention that you would like to share? Leave a comment with that intention! Maybe you or someone you know is struggling with infertility. Check out this prayer here. Or are you looking for a prayer for your mom? You will enjoy this one!
I am so happy that you are here to join me in prayer. Click here to learn more about how this prayer library all started. If you want to collaborate, you can learn more here!
Blessings to you!