prayer for fertility text over couple holding hands and back of couple facing mountain
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Prayer for Fertility: How to Find Hope When Trying to Conceive (Prayers for Couple)

If you had told me that I would one day be a wife and mother of four, I would have laughed.  Since middle school, I had fears and worries that I would not be able to have children.  I was concerned that I would either never marry or that I would have trouble conceiving.  And even after God proved me wrong, twelve years later, I suffered a miscarriage that made me question God and question my fertility all over again.  What am I trying to say?  To all the women reading this and are feeling worried or discouraged, I wrote this prayer for fertility for all of you.  I know what it’s like to have the longing in your heart to become a mother.  My advice is simple, so keep reading.

prayer for fertility text over couple holding hands and couple's back standing in field of flowers

Will a prayer for fertility help me to get pregnant?

First, I should start by saying that if you have found my page because you are looking for some magical spell that will instantly impregnate you, you’ve come to the wrong place.  There’s no shortcut found here.  There’s no mystical tea I recommend or no lingerie I’m trying to sell.  Everyone’s journey is different.  You may read this one day and then years later, you’ve borne ten children.  In other cases, you may read this and never give birth.  Instead, my prayer is that you feel encouraged to trust in God and to never lose hope.  Saying a prayer for fertility is opening up the vulnerable dialogue with God, telling Him exactly what you desire.

Did saying a prayer for fertility work for me?

I often prayed for children.  In fact, I prayed for two sons and two daughters.  And honestly, I couldn’t tell you why God answered my prayers exactly the way He did.  Maybe this is all the luck I get in this life.  Or maybe He saw my pain and said, “You’ve had enough.  Here’s a freebie.”  I’m not sure.  But I don’t take it for granted.  So what’s my answer?  I can’t say that my prayers followed a “cause and effect” order.  I think maybe this was always God’s plan for me, and my prayers would have been the same either way.  I would have prayed for children no matter how He answered me.  But there were specific ways I prayed for fertility, which I share below.

My Miscarriage Story

When our firstborn was 15 months old, my husband and I found out that we were expecting our second child.  We were so excited that our son would become a big brother and that they would be close in age.  Then, a few weeks into my first trimester, I had a miscarriage.  I will never forget that night, but there is one detail that will always stay clear in my mind: as I cried countless tears, my son didn’t know what was going on, but he knew his mother was sad.  He quietly wiped away my tears.  From that moment on, I knew I could not give up hope.  I asked God to give my sweet son a sibling.  That moment brought me to prayer.

How to say a prayer for fertility

Praying for fertility can mean lots of different things to different people.  Some people simply want the exact words to say that will translate to a baby.  I wish I had that for you, but I don’t.  However, I have something better.  I have ideas for prayer that will strengthen your relationship with God even after children or, for some of you, if you suffer infertility.

Pray to do God’s will

Whatever happens, pray that you will do God’s will.  My husband and I always pray together that we may be the best parents God called us to be.  We always strive to be the least selfish parents we can be, which we believe to be God’s will for us and for our children.  We hope to set the example for other parents as well as inspire empty nesters to have faith in the future generations of parents.

Pray for good health

Often, fertility is a sign of good health.  We want to continue that good health throughout pregnancy.  So ask God to keep you healthy.  Ask God to keep your husband healthy so that you may both be strong enough to be there for your children throughout their lives.

Prayer to trust God

We hear about ovulation calculators, natural family planning, and other “tactics” that make couples sound like they dictate when they start a family or how spaced out their children are in age.  But this is all up to God.  We know that God’s timing is His timing.  So when praying for fertility, pray that you may trust in God always, even if the plans don’t go the way you had hoped.

Prayer for opportunities

Maybe praying for fertility will not result in having a family the way you pictured.  Perhaps there will be an opportunity to foster or adopt children who need you and your loving home.  When praying for fertility, ask God to open doors for you to become a parent, to open your heart to unconventional ways of parenting, and to open your eyes to see opportunities when they come your way.

Prayer for preparedness

Fertility also indicates preparedness.  When a woman is fertile, her body is prepared to grow a child.  It can be helpful to pray for preparedness in other ways, too.  For example, pray that your family is financially prepared to take on the new responsibility of a child.  Pray that your husband has the emotional preparedness to become a father.  We can’t possibly be prepared for every situation in parenting, but we can continue to ask God to help us in areas that we know to be weaknesses.

Prayer for a joyful heart

Trying to conceive can be frustrating and stressful.  Some couples want to have a baby so badly, it can take away the fun of intimacy, quite frankly.  I have noticed that pregnant women often look joyful.  They carry a glow.  I like to believe that fertility comes with joy.  So ask God for a joyful heart.  Ask Him to make you joyful in all circumstances, even if you do not become pregnant.


Prayer for Fertility

Most Holy Family,
We come to you with humble and open hearts, praying for your intercession as we ask the Heavenly Father to bless us with children.  We dream to raise a family, faithful to His will.  O Loving Mother Mary and good St. Joseph, we ask that you help us to trust in God’s plan for us.  We ask that you strengthen us so that we may not become discouraged when trying to conceive.  We pray that we may always have hope in the Lord, serving Him in all of our thoughts, all of our words, and all of our deeds.  We fervently pray that our desire to become parents is answered, and that our family continues to grow in love.


Our Father…
Hail  Mary…
Glory Be…


We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

prayer for fertility text over couple holding hands


How to continue praying in your motherhood journey

Sometimes closing our eyes and reading a tried and true psalm can be helpful.  The Psalms are so beautiful.  I love to recite this psalm because it reminds me that God will NEVER forsake me.  I also recommend saying this prayer for your husband, since your fertility is likely weighing on his heart as well.  If you struggle with impatience, I have written this prayer for patience that I believe will help you.

Lastly, I wrote a motherhood EBOOK with a free printable workbook that I know every woman could use.  You can get your copy FOR FREE here.  Please feel free to leave me a comment, telling me how I can pray for you and your fertility as well as your family today.  Sending you a big hug today!

2 Comments on “Prayer for Fertility: How to Find Hope When Trying to Conceive (Prayers for Couple)

  1. Beautiful prayer on fertility. Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry you know how it feels to lose your baby. I’ve lost 4. 3 of them being back to back in a timespan of 8 months. I will incorporate this prayer to my morning and night prayers. Thank you again!

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