prayer for marriage protection text over back of couple husband and wife at the beach looking at the ocean and couple silhouette with foreheads together and sunset in the background
Difficult Situations - Faith - Free Printables - Marriage

Prayer for Marriage Protection: In Defense of Lasting Marriage

Marriage is under attack.  We live in a culture (especially in the West) that is self-serving: “Do whatever makes you happy.”  We have been sold a lie that if you believe that you are unhappy in your marriage for a myriad of reasons (incompatibility, growing apart over time, unmet expectations, and more), that you should leave.  “Life is too short!”  I could go on and on with the list of clichés that society promotes to destroy marriages.  Don’t let it happen to you.  Say this prayer for marriage protection!  Fight the good fight by reading more!

prayer for marriage protection text over back of couple husband and wife at the beach looking at the ocean and bride and groom in a green grassy field

Marriage is Under Attack

In order for us to protect our marriages, we need to accept a big reality: marriage is under ATTACK.  What do I mean?  The devil knows that in order to wreak havoc around the world, he must destroy marriages.  Why is that?  When marriages crumble, people are more likely to succumb to sin.  They may indulge in substances that numb their pain.  Promiscuity is more appealing.  If children were born from the marriage, children do not have the same strength of the family unit as they did when their parents were together.  As a result, children are more susceptible to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with their emotional trauma.  And unfortunately, ideals that justify this lifestyle change bleeds into other relationships, negatively influencing other marriages and other families.

False Celebration of Being Single

It is very apparent that our culture tells us that there should always be the same fiery, burning passion in a relationship as the puppy love when a man and woman first come together.  Once that’s “gone,” our society encourages leaving “bad” or “stale” relationships in order to “be happy.”  There is less talk about the truth: marriages evolve and transform over time, but do not resemble the relationship at the start.  The hard, noble, good work that goes into a loving, lasting marriage is not glorified as it should be.  Instead, single lifestyles are put on a pedestal.  Put bluntly, we sometimes forget that by overcoming trials, we not only avoid being lonely in our old age, but we honor God.  Our faithfulness in our marriage is a direct reflection of our faithfulness to God.

The Comparison Trap

It’s easy to compare our marriages with others, both positively and negatively.  We see other couples who seem happier and richer.  They appear to be more in sync with one another.  On the flip side, we see marriages that lead to divorce and we compare our “symptoms” with theirs, believing the lie that we will inevitably end up like others who forfeited.  When I suffer weakness in those moments, I simply close my eyes and pray.  I ask God to remove those thoughts from my head and help me to focus on the good in my marriage.  Believe it or not, it works quickly!  If I am having a tough day, I find that I have to do this multiple times a day.  But I don’t view that as bad weakness.  Instead, I view it as humble weakness: I am admitting that I need God.  I remind myself that this is exactly what the devil wants, and I’m ready to fight.

The Power of Prayer for Marriage Protection

Praying for marriage protection is POWERFUL!  It is the most powerful thing you can do to safeguard your marriage!  Even if you had all the money in the world or the greatest sex life, you would not have the same protection over your marriage as you would under prayer.  Prayer covers the visible and invisible.  In fact, we are praying for future challenges to come!  We know that there will always be some hurdle, from spats over finance to complacency and apathy.  You might not always be able to come up with money out of thin air or reignite a passion over night, but you can pray.  And it works miracles whether you see it now or later.

Prayer for Strength

Marriage requires strength and discipline, like all other rewarding, life-giving things.  Marriage pushes and pulls you in all directions.  Sometimes we don’t even need supernatural strength.  We simply need an ounce of strength to keep going.  When I pray during hard times in my marriage, I like to picture Jesus carrying me because those are often the moments when I feel tired and weak.  So pray for strength that keeps you going for one more day.  Then thank God for that one more day.  And pray for the strength for another one.  And another one.  And keep going.

Prayer for Selflessness

There is a profound beauty in selflessness.  Putting others before yourself, especially your husband or wife, is modeling Christ’s selfless love.  Especially in our narcissistic world, we stand apart in God’s eyes as obedient and faithful when we put our needs second.  The love demonstrated in sacrifice is true Christian love.

Find Good Married People

And of course, don’t do it alone!  Find other good, married people, especially ones who are older than you and your spouse or who have been married longer than you.  They naturally share wisdom, even in nuance or behaviors you can observe by being around them.  Also, by simply existing, they are a testament to lasting marriage and you will think of them during tough times.  Ask other married couples to pray for you!

Praying for All Marriages

Pray for all marriages around the world!  We all need prayers.  We need to keep fighting and remember that society is better when husbands and wives stay married.  Communities are stronger and children are healthier.

Prayer for Marriage Protection

O Good and Heavenly Father,

You gave us the greatest gift of love by sending Your Son, Jesus, who suffered the Passion and death on the cross to redeem the world. Please fill our marriage with love and protection for the rest of our days. May we continue to nourish our marriage, sacrificing for each another, encouraging each another, and praying for each another. May we resist the temptations of the devil who aims to break up families in order to separate humanity from You. Give us the strength to fight against his evil ways, instead growing closer together and growing closer to You. We also pray for all marriages around the world: that they may continue to honor the covenant they made to You, living good and holy lives. May we always turn to prayer in our marriage in order to overcome trials, obedient to Your will and trusting in Your great promises for everlasting life in You.

Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory Be…

St. Michael the Archangel

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

prayer for marriage protection text over image of couple in the woods between two trees outdoors

In need of more prayers?

Check out this other great prayer for your marriage or this prayer for protection against evil.  I also like to pray Psalm 23 or a general prayer for patience.  Learn more about Life with the Saints by clicking here!


Praying for you always!

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