prayer for troubled marriage text over image of couple husband and wife with arms crossed fighting married couple fighting
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Prayer for Troubled Marriage

It can feel painful to Google “Prayer for Troubled Marriage,” “Prayer for Broken Marriage,” or other prayers in hopes of restoring your marriage.  But prayer is the best place to start.  And sometimes you aren’t sure what to say.  The prayer below is a great jumping-off point to ask God for the help you need to save your marriage.

prayer for troubled marriage text over image of couple husband and wife with arms crossed fighting married couple fighting

Why Did I Write a Prayer for Troubled Marriage?

Full disclosure: I don’t believe I have a troubled marriage.  I am thankful that God has blessed me with a good, loving marriage.  But I will admit that it doesn’t always feel that way.  Sometimes I feel frustrated and irritated.  I want to quit.  But I try to stop and pray, considering my husband’s wonderful qualities and I thank God for them.  So I can put myself in the position of husbands and wives who feel discouraged in their marriages, and I want to provide support and encouragement.  After all, planting one seed in prayer can grow into a strong, beautiful tree that produces many flowers and many fruits.

When Marriage Isn’t Going Well

We’ve all been there.  We have felt confused when our marriage does not seem to resemble the “puppy love” phase of the first months of dating.  We feel angry when we argue about the same issues over and over again.  We question God’s plan for us, wondering if we “married the right person” or “are meant to be married.”  But I’m here to say, first and foremost, that you shouldn’t give up.  That is what the DEVIL WANTS YOU TO DO.  The devil wants you to believe that marriage is too hard and that there is no point.  I’m here to encourage you to shake your head like an Etch-a-sketch and recalibrate, removing those thoughts.  Marriage is good and beautiful, in spite of its challenges.  A “troubled” marriage does not have to mean a “failed” marriage.

Who Needs a Prayer for Troubled Marriage?

Guess what? We ALL need a prayer for troubled marriage! Why?  At some point in our marriage, we will experience trial and difficulty.  This is part of our crosses to bear as married people.  We will be tempted by the devil, fooled by his empty promises, and hurt by his lies.  But we can overcome ANYTHING with prayer!  I also recommend praying this “Prayer for Troubled Marriage” for couples in your life, even if they have not disclosed intimate details of their marriage.  They may be experience pain and heartache, but are too ashamed or too afraid to share the troubles of their heart with a friend or family member.  Pray that they may experience peace and healing.

How a Prayer for Troubled Marriage Can Help

I have often found that the first miracle I experience from prayer is peace. I feel calmer.  The simplest prayer can quiet my heart for five seconds and ease my stress, albeit seemingly insignificant.  And from there, the peace “snowballs.”  I then feel a softening of my heart.  My rational faculties slowly return and my emotions are no longer “in charge” the way they were prior to my prayer.  But over time, I know that with continued prayer, the Blessed Mother intercedes and brings healing and strength to my marriage in ways I would not have even been able to imagine.  God is always listening and wants for us to have good, holy marriages that model faith and love to all those in our lives, especially our children.

Calling on the Holy Family

Do you pray to the Holy Family?  Do you remember when it seemed like everyone added “#relationshipgoals” to the end of a comment they wrote on a friend’s picture when that friend posted a beautiful anniversary photo or other couples’ photo?  Talk about #RELATIONSHIPGOALS!  Blessed Mother Mary and Good Saint Joseph are the epitome of relationship goals.  They embody true selfless love, true devotion to God, true commitment to their vocation as parents.  I encourage everyone to pray to the Holy Family every day, asking them for strength and guidance in everyday matters, especially when it comes to marriage.  For instance, it may seem trivial, but maybe before your husband wakes up in the morning, you can pray, “Blessed Mother, help me to show love for my husband as I prepare his coffee and make his breakfast.  Amen.”

Asking our Guardian Angels to Intercede

I am always an advocate for praying to your guardian angel!  Ask your guardian angel and your husband’s or wife’s guardian angel to protect you against the devil, fighting off any wedge he tries to drive between the two of you.  Pray to your guardian angel, asking for protection against vices and against sins that pull you away from your husband or wife, such a lustful temptations, addiction, and wrath.  Our guardian angels want nothing more than to take care of us.  All you have to do is ask!

Prayer for Troubled Marriage

O Good Saint Joseph and Blessed Mother Mary,

You dedicated your lives to one another in obedience to God’s will, honoring the Lord through faithfulness in your marriage.  You raised our Lord Jesus Christ in His youth, modeling faith and love for God as the Holy Family.  I pray that you may be with my husband/wife and me as we fight off evil that aims to separate us in our marriage.  Guide us and guard us as we strive to serve God in our marriage.  I fervently pray that you will send angels to protect us and our family, restoring all brokenness and wounds that have hurt us, turning us away from the Lord and from one another.  Bring us clarity so that we may remain committed to the vows we made in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.  Through your intercession, we pray that we may let go of our pride, growing in humility in our marriage.

Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory Be…

Angel of God…

We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

prayer for troubled marriage free printable Catholic prayer text over couple holding hands looking at sunset silhouette


Rise to the Challenge

Prayer can be EASY.  It doesn’t take much time or effort.  But it takes an openness of your heart.  And don’t feel like you need to do it alone!  Even if you feel more introverted or reserved, I challenge you to reach out to another woman at your Church.  Ask her to pray with you.  Men, reach out to one of the men at Church.  Men and Women of the Faith want to help others, especially when it comes to keeping families together.

Looking for more resources? Pray this Morning Prayer for Family EVERY DAY!  This prayer is also wonderful for warding off the devil and evil spirits.  If you read my story, you’ll understand why I feel passionate about prayer and it’s incredible power.  Just know that you are not alone!

Praying for you always!

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